“HURRIEDLY” на українській мові


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hurriedly in haste in a hurry hastily
hastily in haste hurriedly
hurriedly in haste speedily hotfoot
hastily in a hurry hurriedly snatchingly
hastily quickly hurriedly speedily



hastily speedily quickly fast rapidly swiftly briskly without delay at top speed at full tilt full bore full out on the double headlong posthaste like the wind like greased lightning double-quick lickety-split


Still, Judy greedily swiped the box and hurriedly unwrapped it.

He probably knew the desert as well as anyone who didn’t actually live there, and the sum of what he knew was that it was mostly made up of great big sand dunes with other bits scattered around like careless sprinkles on a hurriedly decorated cake: flats of gravel and of a milky-white power like crushed glass and a few stretches of hard red clay that the desert men claimed had once been lakes in the long-ago before the half-gods broke the world.

He and his chief advisors conferred hurriedly with each other, pointing at an incomplete palisade of petrified tree trunks guarding the camp valley.

A pavilion rose beside the outcrop and a dozen soldiers were hurriedly pulling it down.

Then the men hurriedly picked up all their things that lay about and went off down the trail.

He’ll serve as the foundation of a new communications network—a sacrifice for a nation that no longer exists,” John hurriedly explained.

She pictures him waiting to board his plane to London, hurriedly jotting the reminder because it wasn’t just the date that was important.

With the help of officials, passengers, and people on the platform who had been waiting for the train, a freight at the depot was hurriedly converted into an emergency train and driven to the site of the wreck.

”She stood hurriedly.

“He and I drew up the objectives for this expedition, with Goodfellow Kressind, of course,” he added hurriedly.