“INDICATE” на українській мові


інші переклади

indicate note notice designate point point out
recommend indicate advise counsel
mean indicate imply denote connote infer
denote designate indicate check denominate earmark
show display indicate demonstrate present point
indicate point show point out designate denote



point to be a sign of be evidence of evidence demonstrate show testify to bespeak be a symptom of be symptomatic of denote connote mark signal signify suggest imply manifest reveal betray display reflect represent evince betoken


” But Az’s voice was tight enough to indicate that his wing hurt like hell.

”Sam nodded silently to indicate to Deadman that he already knew.

There was no lake or any sort of cave-in that would be of help to indicate even approximately the site.

He put his thumbs close together in front of his belt, wishing by doing so to indicate that he did not mean to shoot as long as the other did not draw.

” Deadman rolled up the sleeve of his jacket and showed Sam his own cuff, as if he was trying to indicate that he and Sam were in the same situation.

The modalman had no badges, markings or anything of that sort to indicate their social degree, at least not so a Kingdoms man could tell, but the others obeyed Shkarauthir unquestioningly, and were actively seeking his counsel.

” Sam shook his head to indicate that he didn’t know any more than that.

My dear cousin’s children,” he bowed his head first one way, and then the next to indicate them, “will remain as minors for several years.

”Vand lifted both hands to indicate the Sniffer should take them.