“SNAPPING” на українській мові


інші переклади

bite snap snack sting
grasp clutch catch seize on seize upon snatch
bite snap
grab snap seize grasp snatch grabble
catch take snap nab hook



break fracture splinter come apart split crack bust


You’ll need more guards around Cinda and her brother, of course—““Wait,” said Cinda, suddenly snapping out of her malaise.

”Higgs’s voice echoed around the internal maze, snapping Sam back to reality.

The drowned circled outside, those that had recovered from the blast attempted to get within, but there was some barrier they could not breach, and they clawed helplessly at the edge of the water with their bony fingers and puffed corpse flesh, dead jaws snapping their frustration.

He turned to walk away only to turn back, snapping his fingers.

”“You nobles with your noble blood, thinking you know everything, treating us commoners like dirt,” growled Balzac, his words snapping off like the crack of dead wood.

He held back to keep from snapping her bones, that was all.

They shifted their hand positions in perfect unison, the sleeves of their robes snapping with the motion.

I don’t know how I’ll ever not hear his neck snapping when I’m near a fire.

”Wind snapping at her heels, Merrill stalked into the gloom.

Their snarls and hisses, their snapping tails and scraping claws should have incentivized the males chained to the chairs to talk.

She closed her eyes and willed herself to ignore the snapping and cracking of the wood as the fire consumed it, willed herself to melt into the earth, into the mountain, and disappear forever.