“MEMORIES” на українській мові


інші переклади

memory remembrance recollection
memory recollection remembrance reminiscence anamnesis souvenir
recollection memory reminiscence anamnesis



ability to remember powers of recall


I can restore the memories of the past.

Trace’s vocals reach her, a rich tenor with a rough undertone that reminds her of hot summer days driving along a historic two-lane highway with a man whose memories have haunted her since.

As a precaution, he trusted to the glamours of a Tyn-made amulet to blur the memories of those who did.

It knew him, and memories that weren’t his had bubbled and boiled in his head, memories of another time and place when there hadn’t been one dragon but a thousand, and all of them were his.

This time the memories picked up right where she’d shut them down while waiting for Dylan to get onstage.

And because Judy had been on her mind so much lately, Joy was immediately swept back, drifting through memories of her sister’s last day.

The few bright days of orange-gold sun was the intrusion of happy memories into nameless grief.

I have fond memories but I’ll be damned if I make too many new ones.

One catch, though: the surgery may erase its memories.

Sam’s memories of leaving the museum were hazy.

He will make my memories part of his emotional landscape, but they will never be real to him.